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Saw your comment the first time round. It was unpleasant then, and hasn’t improved with repetition. I think I’ll manage to restrain myself from checking out your newsletter.

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Darn. I wish I could be there. AND it's in Ireland. But to be honest, if I did go then I might make good on my long standing promise/threat to slip out under the cover of darkness to haunt some ruined monastery out west somewhere. Never to leave. Don't think I am bluffing!!

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Regardless of my own attendance, or its lack, this is a good sign. The conversation is deepening.

I hope it will be made available to us at some point.

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Feb 24, 2023·edited Feb 24, 2023

Wish I could be there. "introduce a different Christian vocabulary, regale an audience with Christian wonder tales, and to lay out a vision that goes beyond the confines of modernity or cosy nostalgia."

I'm part of the machine now:( Signed a two year contract. Said Mein capitalist to boss yesterday morning. Fortunately, he didn't know what I meant;)

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Can I put in a request that you and Martin Shaw work on a book length treatment of a wilder Christianity? This talk looks incredible but sadly, the budget is tight this year. I would also like to sit beneath a tree and read these thoughts rather than attending to my screen!

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Feb 24, 2023·edited Feb 24, 2023Liked by Paul Kingsnorth

Dare I say that I do believe the Wild Christianity literary movement is afoot. I say this having zero inside information whatsoever. Call it a hunch.

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€120? Bloody hell.

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I would like it to be less, actually. But there are three of us and we have a venue to pay for. If it happens again, I'd like to look at this.

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I understand. Thanks for the reply.

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Hope there will be a recording we can access, even for a fee. I’m living the small-scale, local Christianity of homeschooling my differently wired kids here in the States and, sadly, can’t get myself to Ireland. But I sure would like to listen in.

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Fellow American Christian homeschooling mom with differently wired kids here! Just waving hi! Feels good to know you’re here too!

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It’s wonderful to meet you!! I’m so happy to know you’re out there, too. None of my mom friends are into this world. You don’t happen to live in Maryland do you? 😉

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Thank you for replying! Alas, no, not in Maryland! I am in Texas. Curious what other writers/podcasts you listen to? I am enjoying PK, obviously, but also Jonathan Pageau, Paul VanderKlay, Jordan Peterson, Michael Matheson Miller @ The Moral Imagination podcast, and The Scholé Sisters podcast. ETA: This is still Tiffany, but apparently I logged in through my writing Substack account, ha!

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Longtime listener of Pageau too! Also been into Why Are We Talking about Rabbits and the Lord of Spirits podcast. I like Peterson too --and now your comment is making me want to finally check out Paul VanderKlay because I hear abt him all the time. Reading-wise, Front Porch Republic and Glory to God for All Things (Fr. Stephen Freeman). The Ethics of Beauty--book I should start rereading anytime now--changed my whole direction. In recent months though I’ve really been drastically cutting down media consumption to make space for more quiet time--and mostly reading American literature for the survey course I’m teaching to my teens. My kids are 16, 14, and 11, and we’re Orthodox, BTW.

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Erika--Would love to connect with you through email! You can email me at throughpaperdoors at protonmail dot com and we can trade contact info. I have listened to Lord of Spirits occasionally and would love to check out the Ethics of Beauty book. I read some writing on aesthetics and beauty by Sir Roger Scruton not too long ago and have been contemplating beauty a lot more because of it. I too am trying to cut down on media time--gave up Twitter for Lent--and I love the idea of more quiet. My kids are 13, 10 and 6, and we are Catholic. Hope to hear from you if you're interested! :-)

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That would be great!

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Ugh, so close to when I am planning my first post-COVID visit to family in Donegal, but I don't think I'll be there until the next week...but maybe, plans will change and tickets will still be available. This sounds fantastic.

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Do it, Mary! :)

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Alas, I have a graduation party an ocean away!

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Feb 24, 2023Liked by Paul Kingsnorth

Sounds like a wonderful get together! I hope you will record some of it if possible. We will be in Ireland for a George Kordis icon workshop in mid May. Look forward to seeing the sacred beauty there.

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I am loving this conversation (the video) . I’ve been ranting about the destruction of meaning and reality via language control and redefining words and people losing touch with reality and the machine to my friends and family. Wish I could’ve been there! Did you mention The Machine Stops by E.M. Forester? A look into the future ? As for reality, people don’t even agree on what that means.

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Feb 24, 2023Liked by Paul Kingsnorth

Fantastic conversation! I’ve been wrestling with a similar ‘attraction to monasticism’ as a married father of four in The Machine Age for nearly my entire life (60+). Lay monsticism, third orders, etc. Fascinated with organized communities like the Bruderhof, Amish, Mennonites, etc. Also with secular eco-communities & villages etc. But not attracted enough to break with my suburban Hudson Valley comfortably middle class life & IT professional salary & benefits. I was out last spring & summer at some green woodworking & spoon carving events, camping - tent & sleeping bag etc. I came to the stark realization that I am in love with the idea of camping far more than the actual practice of it. I now suspect I am in the same position re monastic spirituality. Ultimately - the ‘machine’ prevails by giving us enough to feel comfortable in pursuing our individualistic desires & interests - while nostalgically dreaming of the ‘old days’. As we all fragment into our own media driven ‘realities’ the Machine marches on. We truly are addicts who are struggling to move beyond the idea of breaking free - trapped by the fear of discomfort.

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Removed (Banned)Feb 27, 2023
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Crikey… there’s always one….

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Not anymore!

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Just booked my ticket! I am so excited.

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For those of us who would sincerely like to come but are unable, I hope we get to read a flavour of it through the Abbey.

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I can’t be there but I am hoping John Moriarty comes up. Pageau tracking Moriarty sounds fantastic.

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I hope it’s recorded and posted somewhere. The three of you together will be phenomenal.

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I am working on a new post that will be titled "peaking". It will be a view of a planetary phenomenon peaking. This is across all dimension abstract and physical. The abstract of the mind of men is one I have been exploring. I came across this article on the Hedge that may be of interest to some of you. It draws on Paul's work in very insightful ways.


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Hi @shoal I just read this article and firstly found it most interesting that Paul should be quoted alongside Marx, Hegel Smith etc!! secondly to have an ‘external angle’ on his writings incorporating some of his essential concepts (not the Empty Throne with which the writer could have juxtaposed with the Hidden Hand’ perhaps)

Cheers for that link.

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deletedFeb 28, 2023·edited Feb 28, 2023
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I've no idea who he is. Sorry to hear about that. But he's banned now, so you won't have to listen to it again.

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Thanks Paul, much appreciated. It was very unpleasant. I’ll now delete my message above so the whole thing can dissolve.

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With additional travel / fuel costs and possible hotel/b&b costs I’m not sure I can justify the trip up from Kerry. Would love to meet you all and it sounds like a great event. I’ll see. Didn’t mean to sound too cross!

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Tom, as a fellow Kingdom dweller, perhaps we can share the travel costs next time? Wish I could make this one, but family commitments prevail this time I'm afraid.

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Sounds like a good idea. All depends on who has the comfiest car.

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Hmm, I'm not sure my car would win any awards for comfort...it's quite reliable though!

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Haha. I’m in south Kerry where are you ?

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Mid Kerry, Beaufort area.

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Did you end up going?

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