Can I put in a request that you and Martin Shaw work on a book length treatment of a wilder Christianity? This talk looks incredible but sadly, the budget is tight this year. I would also like to sit beneath a tree and read these thoughts rather than attending to my screen!
Can I put in a request that you and Martin Shaw work on a book length treatment of a wilder Christianity? This talk looks incredible but sadly, the budget is tight this year. I would also like to sit beneath a tree and read these thoughts rather than attending to my screen!
Can I put in a request that you and Martin Shaw work on a book length treatment of a wilder Christianity? This talk looks incredible but sadly, the budget is tight this year. I would also like to sit beneath a tree and read these thoughts rather than attending to my screen!
Dare I say that I do believe the Wild Christianity literary movement is afoot. I say this having zero inside information whatsoever. Call it a hunch.