When to Australia Paul? Sydney specifically

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Paul, I feel sorry for you sometimesl, being on the podcast circuit and the speaking circuit. It must be a bit lonely dealing with an anonymous or brand new audience each time. It's the machine treadmill and we are all on it as we try to earn a living. On the other hand, I am happy for you that you have the audience and the chance to share some good things.

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Oct 8·edited Oct 8Author

Thanks for the sympathy! I actually turn down most of the speaking and talking and podcasting invitations I get. It would be possible to spend an entire lifetime just repeating the same points ... I try to limit myself, because at some point you get sick of the sound of your own voice. One day I hope that someone will come along and offer me some money to say nothing for a year ;-)

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Wish you were making it to the West Coast. Maybe next time?

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Travel safe my friend. I hope you bump into old friends as well as new. Maybe even a glimpse of sun before settling in for the damp splendour of a winter on our North Atlantic islands.

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Oct 8·edited Oct 8Author

Thanks Martin! Some sun would certainly be nice.

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Hey, I actually listened to this, and liked LISTENING TO IT, and that it was only 27 minutes long on the computer... and I liked it very very much, too.

Gadfly... we'll have to get back to that one...

But we won't be seeing each other in the States, sadly enough.

And you would be hounded out of France right now for saying what you are saying, I fear.

(Or crucified... except that the French have become rather bloodless these days.)

Have a good trip. Enjoy the South, particularly, as maybe one of the U.S. places best able to resist the Machine ? Years ago Arthur Miller wrote "The Air Conditioned Nightmare", and he went through the South like a hippy/hobo and got drunk on all its antediluvian charm, still, which must be fading under the renewed onslaught of the Machine. Maybe you will hear the ghost of its charm ?

Fiction... YES !

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I have that book on my shelf. You have reminded me to pack it in my luggage!

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Ha.. I bet you have it in English. I read it in edulcorated French, shameless me. But I do not consider Henry Miller to be a consummate fiction writer either...not enough that I will make a concerted effort to find him in English where I live, since it's getting more and more expensive to get English books, and harder too. Gotta pick my authors for value AND STYLE.

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Please record and post the lectures if able. I am sure they would be quite popular as those that can’t attend would love to listen. Thanks for all your great work.

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I can see here in Greece how the state is degrading the humanities subjects and putting more emphasis on the science subjects at high school. Thinkers are not wanted. All our beautiful literature has been removed from our coursebooks. Such a pity! And unfortunately we are unable to homeschool our children.

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I will be at the lecture in Buffalo and hope to meet up with Paul and others. Not sure how many holy wells are in Western New York, but there are many historical sites (and some would say portals of the Holy Spirit) from the Second Great Awakening in our Burnt Over District. Perhaps you will have a chance to visit Rochester, site of the great Charles Finney Revival in 1830. BTW I owe you a debt of gratitude. I discovered the Abbey a year ago and it inspired me to write a stack of poems and also to begin sharing on Substack and YouTube. Thank you, sir!

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I’ll add to Stephen’s welcome to Western New York. If you would like a Niagara Falls tour and a connection to the local Orthodox community, I’m your guy!

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Who is Oasis?


On a more serious note, I do hope to attend the Erasmus Lecture. I saw in comments on a previous post that other readers also plan on attending. May I suggest that we make up "Abbey of Misrule" labels using the banner image and pin them on, so that we can facilitate meeting each other before the lecture starts?

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you should use the jellyfish emblem for this!

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Found it, great idea, thanks!

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I’ll be at the Eramus lecture as well. Looking forward to meeting in person.

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I will be at the Erasmus Lecture. It would be a pleasure to meet others of us readers here in New York City.

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I'll be there, too.

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I’ll be there as well

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Be safe. I wish you were coming closer to Wendell-Berry Land. Next time, maybe.

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I would love to meet Berry and I fear time is running out.

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I would also definitely like to hear a recording of your Buffalo lecture.

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Come to Maine Paul!!!!!!!!!

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I agree, June. Maybe we can lobby Paul to come to Maine for the Against The Machine book tour.

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Paul, safe travels to the U.S.! You don't happen to have a date for the publication of your book on the Machine, by any chance, do you?

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Next 'fall', I'm told, though it's not set yet.

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Happy travels and see you soon!

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