Chesterbelloc, was the name coined by Bernard Shaw for the chimeric union of Chesterton and Belloc. Shaw suggested that Chesterton had adopted the poltical views of Belloc. Chesterbelloc invented the economic/political theory of "Distributism" together as an alternative to capitalism and socialism. Belloc wrote for Chesterton's magazine.…
Chesterbelloc, was the name coined by Bernard Shaw for the chimeric union of Chesterton and Belloc. Shaw suggested that Chesterton had adopted the poltical views of Belloc. Chesterbelloc invented the economic/political theory of "Distributism" together as an alternative to capitalism and socialism. Belloc wrote for Chesterton's magazine. Those are the few scraps I know. I don't think that there is a recent book on their friendship, unlike Tolkien and Lewis. I like Chesterton's quote about capitalism, "The problem with capitalism is that there are not enough capitalists." Distributism aimed to spread access to land and capital across the wider society. Belloc supported this view in his writing and decried the controlled media of his day.
Chesterbelloc, was the name coined by Bernard Shaw for the chimeric union of Chesterton and Belloc. Shaw suggested that Chesterton had adopted the poltical views of Belloc. Chesterbelloc invented the economic/political theory of "Distributism" together as an alternative to capitalism and socialism. Belloc wrote for Chesterton's magazine. Those are the few scraps I know. I don't think that there is a recent book on their friendship, unlike Tolkien and Lewis. I like Chesterton's quote about capitalism, "The problem with capitalism is that there are not enough capitalists." Distributism aimed to spread access to land and capital across the wider society. Belloc supported this view in his writing and decried the controlled media of his day.