deletedJul 14
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Apparently the TV was invented earlier than I realized!

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Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit!

But well (!) spotted. I have edited it back into its normal and boring shape.

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How sad this stupid war story. Let's hope that the wisdom in the manuscripts that were bombed flew into the morphic field of humanity. Or something like that... as in: matter never truly disappears does it? It only changes form. Maybe that is the same with wisdom.

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I was thinking the same thing; who thought it was a good idea to bomb a monastery? Centuries of effort obliterated in moments.

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Colossal stupidity or intentional ? I sometimes wonder....but hopefully we can learn from all these 'mistakes' . Why would you want to leave the world ignorant of goodness unless you have malevolent intentions? But maybe nothing is really lost we just need to be persistent in our search for truth.

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called ‘a colossal blunder’ and ‘a piece of a gross stupidity"...

I do not blame the Allied bombers. Come on. Lots of blame to go around. If Germany hadn't started this thing... And my dad was in the German army; drafted at 17yr; injured in the Battle of the Bulge and SUPER GRATEFUL that he never had to shoot a firearm at another human being. Taken prisoner by the British and ever so grateful for that. Germans, and everyone else did not see anything as sacred; they hid themselves and lots of "stuff" in many places. Would you rather the Nazis ruled the continent?

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St Coolan’s was described in the 1800s as well used with refreshing water that never ran dry even in the height of summer. I keep thinking of Jesus at the well offering the woman ‘life giving’ water. Such water must have been running through St Coolan’s veins and maybe Brian Boru’s too and here we are, remembering them, one thousand years later

The allies might have destroyed St Coolan’s manuscript but like that ancient refreshing well, the important ‘life giving’ word continues, unchanged and the same for ever.

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Any thoughts about what the significance is of the rock on top of the wellhouse? Is a well like this - easy to find, historically significant to a local church - have a function at all in the local church community (assuming it has an active congregation)? Or to ask another way, would its use (offerings, venerations) be something that's encouraged by the local church?

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"Above the doorway, beneath an intriguing piece of stone that looks for all the world like a piece of cooled larva..."

Cooled lava, you mean? "Cooled larva" makes me wonder what sort of fossilised early form of mythical Irish beastie this might have been.

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Looks like this week's entry is brimming full of typos! I was tired when I wrote it.

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Dude, we need your take on the Trump assassination attempt. Sorry to pollute your world, but your world is in our world and our world is a feted sewer. Help.

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What am I supposed to say about that?! I'm in the West of Ireland, and at present quite glad about it ...

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Jul 15·edited Jul 15

Culture war is the machine malfunctioning; Trump is a redheaded step child

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I'v just been editing my Machine book, which has reminded me of what I wrote in there about the culture war: it's happening because we don't have a culture. The tribes on both sides are rootless and angry and flailing. And since America invented Machine modernity, or at least perfected it, everything is clearer there, and more extreme. And you have guns.

Everything is going to acclerate into a lot more darkness before we turn any corners I think.

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That is what I was hoping for, your perspective.

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I am writing something today which is not about Trump at all but which touches on the moment.

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Trump is not about Trump! Trump is about the rejection of Oligarchy, post modernist drivel, the pillaging of our society (including western Ireland) and an incohate resistance. The fact that orange man is a capitalist oligarch who ultimately did and will do nothing, is besides the point.


For us , he is our last best hope and his rejection on stylistic grounds is snobbery. I know the whole thing is tawdry and below you, but really I ask what does his rise portend.

Something is happening. Something new is happening. We are seeing the dissolution of Liberalism; liberalism is following in the footsteps of Fascism and communism.

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Whoops it posted before I was done.

I read your 8 part series on the machine. Trump is a human incarnation of the machine. More importantly he has latched on to the people who are displaced by the machine and are fighting against it. He is a seminal figure, his presence is a harbinger of a turn in our machine ordered world.

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I think you meant "fetid sewer", but if it's strictly America you're talking about then "feted sewer" would be appropriate as well.👍🏻

My take on that failed assassination attempt is this: I would point to Morris Berman's contention that Donald Trump is a "world historical figure" sent by history to finish off the American empire and is thus invulnerable to being killed before that mission is complete. Of *course* an assassination attempt results only in iconic photos of the bloodied strongman standing defiant. No 20 year-old dweeb with daddy's AR-15 could ever possibly understand what he was trying to stop.

No, Trump will remain bulletproof to the degree making an actual martyr of him would not lead directly to, for example, a civil war that destroys the USA.

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Woopsie, I meant fetid, but feted is a brilliant accidental malaprop especially after the assassination attempt. The image with the flag and the raised hand, it’s going to be everywhere and Trump will now replace Reagan as a hero.

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Yeah, I'm not sure "replace" is the right term, maybe come to be seen as standing beside Reagan in a lineage of Republican Party icons. Personally, my bar for an American President could not be lower and might best be summarised as, "don't blow up the world you greed-besotted cretin".

In this regard, assuming the choice is between Biden and Trump, I'd say Trump has more basic sense (remaining) than does the decrepit, war-mongering, neoliberal hack genocide Joe. Honestly, I wouldn't trust Biden to boil an egg, and the actual decision-makers around him are green-lighting a genocide and flirting every day with a nuclear holocaust.

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lol, brilliant.

A seminal moment, I say, this assassination: iacta alea est.

Our goodly author purports to know, a learned man, a teacher to me and I a patron to him, this moment requires his presence, we need him and his help.

My question, has something changed, has the die been cast, his learned perspective is requested.

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I’m amazed you drank the well water 💦. An act of faith.

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Jul 15Liked by Paul Kingsnorth

It's really odd how most of we civilised humans will recoil at the idea of drinking a handful/cupful of spring water from an actual freshwater spring. Fact is, it is demonstrably more hazardous to drink from a plastic bottle of faux "spring-water" and imbibe however many nurdles of micro-plastics with every gulp.

And even if there were microbes in the well-water that might give one the runs, that would only happen the first time you encountered them, as your immune system would immediately train up on how to spot and extinguish such critters should they ever appear again.

Another instance of that old Derrick Jensen notion: "we are afraid of the wrong things."

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I really hope you will turn these posts into a book.

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Paul's typos are more charming (if that's possible) than the writing at times: an 1897 TV news story and a piece of cooled larva!

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