Okay, I laugh at myself as I type this, I will now let go of taking your comments so personally and being defensive! :):):) From my understanding of ecology, a wise and loving relation ship with the earth, regenerative agriculture, and meeting the true real basic needs of humanity the earth can healthily support our billions and the eart…
Okay, I laugh at myself as I type this, I will now let go of taking your comments so personally and being defensive! :):):) From my understanding of ecology, a wise and loving relation ship with the earth, regenerative agriculture, and meeting the true real basic needs of humanity the earth can healthily support our billions and the earth can even be a richer more alive place because of those billions. But that is not a likely near future I realize :(
My comments are never to be taken personally. After all, none of us can really 'personally' criticise anyone we've never met - another of the curses of the web is that we can behave like we know people that we don't know at all. If I am sometimes too sharp I apologise.
As it happens, I do agree that it is, in theory, entirely possible even for seven billion people to live well enough with what we have. If only the world worked in a way that was designed to look after the interests of both people and nature, wisely and with compassion .... a man can dream.
Okay, I laugh at myself as I type this, I will now let go of taking your comments so personally and being defensive! :):):) From my understanding of ecology, a wise and loving relation ship with the earth, regenerative agriculture, and meeting the true real basic needs of humanity the earth can healthily support our billions and the earth can even be a richer more alive place because of those billions. But that is not a likely near future I realize :(
My comments are never to be taken personally. After all, none of us can really 'personally' criticise anyone we've never met - another of the curses of the web is that we can behave like we know people that we don't know at all. If I am sometimes too sharp I apologise.
As it happens, I do agree that it is, in theory, entirely possible even for seven billion people to live well enough with what we have. If only the world worked in a way that was designed to look after the interests of both people and nature, wisely and with compassion .... a man can dream.