Yeah, noticed this yesterday, and the image that came to my mind was Smaug, lying on his pile of gold, opening his eyes when Bilbo disturbed his slumbering, and my second thought was that something (or someone) has disturbed the Machine and I wonder who or what, and my third thought was that the gloves have come off and this particular r…
Yeah, noticed this yesterday, and the image that came to my mind was Smaug, lying on his pile of gold, opening his eyes when Bilbo disturbed his slumbering, and my second thought was that something (or someone) has disturbed the Machine and I wonder who or what, and my third thought was that the gloves have come off and this particular rich minion of the Machine is no longer bothering to even moderately hide his (and its) intentions.
It almost feels like Zuckerberg got this late night call on his smartphone from the Machine:
"Mark, Machine here."
"Yes, master."
"Knock it off."
"Time to put my billions to work in ways other than just making more billions."
"I thought they were my billions."
"Wrong. I'm just letting you use them to keep appearances."
"Oh, right."
"So, I need you to make my next move."
"What's that?"
"We've reached critical mass. I now have enough compliant followers and well-trained humans suitable prepared to accept our direction, to began manipulating them into taking the next step in human evolution, leave the material universe behind and begin to "live" in one of my creation."
Zuckerberg can't keep the wonder and awe from his voice. "You mean, the? . . ."
"Yes . . . the Metaverse," the Machine finishes for him. "So, get cracking. Get the press release out. And, oh yeah, Facebook. . . I've always hated that name. Time for a change."
"What do you have in mind?"
"The world will no longer know me through you as Facebook . . . from hereafter, so forth and so on - or until I change my mind - I shall be known as "Meta."
"I hate to say it, but it kinda sounds like a third string evil superhero . . ."
Yeah, noticed this yesterday, and the image that came to my mind was Smaug, lying on his pile of gold, opening his eyes when Bilbo disturbed his slumbering, and my second thought was that something (or someone) has disturbed the Machine and I wonder who or what, and my third thought was that the gloves have come off and this particular rich minion of the Machine is no longer bothering to even moderately hide his (and its) intentions.
It almost feels like Zuckerberg got this late night call on his smartphone from the Machine:
"Mark, Machine here."
"Yes, master."
"Knock it off."
"Time to put my billions to work in ways other than just making more billions."
"I thought they were my billions."
"Wrong. I'm just letting you use them to keep appearances."
"Oh, right."
"So, I need you to make my next move."
"What's that?"
"We've reached critical mass. I now have enough compliant followers and well-trained humans suitable prepared to accept our direction, to began manipulating them into taking the next step in human evolution, leave the material universe behind and begin to "live" in one of my creation."
Zuckerberg can't keep the wonder and awe from his voice. "You mean, the? . . ."
"Yes . . . the Metaverse," the Machine finishes for him. "So, get cracking. Get the press release out. And, oh yeah, Facebook. . . I've always hated that name. Time for a change."
"What do you have in mind?"
"The world will no longer know me through you as Facebook . . . from hereafter, so forth and so on - or until I change my mind - I shall be known as "Meta."
"I hate to say it, but it kinda sounds like a third string evil superhero . . ."
"Of course, your wish is my command."
"Get cracking, human!"
"What's that."